
Shuttleworth Accumulation and Buffering Systems

Shuttleworth gentle, low back pressure product accumulation and buffering systems handle every kind of product - from food trays, glass jars, paper plates to heavy machined parts.

Laned or mass accumulation, non-contact and vertical buffering, Shuttleworth conveyors and systems delicately handle products utilizing low line pressure from Slip-Torque roller surface and zone control capabilities.

The rollers making up the Shuttleworth Slip-Torque surface stop underneath products as they accumulate, preventing damage and crushing typically seen with other types of conveyor surfaces.

With offer over 65 roller materials and countless surface configurations, the perfect conveyor surface can be designed for your product creating the most efficient and gentle handling for your product.

Please contact Pro Pac or call 888-318-0083 for your accumulation systems.


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Shuttleworth Laned Accumulation System

Shuttleworth unique Slip-Torque surface allows laned accumulation and buffering solutions as varied as the needs of nearly any application.

Shuttleworth Dash Buffering System

Shuttleworth Dash system offers dynamic, continuous motion accumulation – resulting in increased throughput and enhanced line efficiencies.

Shuttleworth Mass Accumulation System

Shuttleworth mass product accumulation and buffering systems combined with their Slip-Torque surface is ideal for rounded products with ability to nest.

Shuttleworth Vertical Buffering System

Shuttleworth unique Slip-Torque surface allows laned accumulation and buffering solutions as varied as the needs of nearly any application.

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